Why objects have mass ?!

Have you ever wondered why every object has a different mass ?! What is mass ?! Where did it come from ? In Geneva scientists have made the biggest experiment of all time ,The Large Hadron Collider is 100m below ground and it lengths about 9km . What it does ?! How it works ?! Click here  … Continue reading

Your head is older than your feet .

Time is one of the most things ( I don’t even know if it’s a thing ) that scientists have been trying to understand for hundreds of years , they were people who spend their entire life trying to understand what time is that is but never did . Time is one of the most … Continue reading

Dark Energy

It’s been 13.7 Billion years that our universe was formed , and since then stars and galaxies were getting far from each other . We all thought this expansion will stop at a point but , it doesn’t seems so . So what is the fate of our universe ?!! There are tree hypothesizes about the … Continue reading

What is universe mainly made out of ?

Every single physics textbook on the earth says that the universe is mainly made out of atoms . That’s all it is , the universe is made out of atoms . Wrong ! every single physics textbook is wrong . In the last 10 years, scientists have came to the realization  that most of the universe is … Continue reading

The Nuclear Age

Now let’s talk about the Stars and the Sun . If the Sun were coal and oil , it would burn out in a few hundred years . So people were asking what is it that can last for billion of years ?! There most be a new force . And that was the nuclear force . … Continue reading